"Visionäre Universitäten und Schulen blicken heute nach China, um ihren Studierenden einen zusätzlichen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu verschaffen und dadurch ihren Horizont zu erweitern. Innovation, digitale Transformation und Unternehmertum sind nur einige der Themen, die wir mit unseren akademischen Partnern abdecken." Fabien Abbet, Marketing Direktor

Project Weeks

Discovery Weeks

Treffen Sie unsere akademischen Partner

Sandro Canneori

Head IT at Jelmoli
"China has a big future and I believe in Chinese people, because they are motivated and want to change something. I could feel it through the experiences I've had this week."
Integrate Chinese Life
Head IT at Jelmoli "China has a big future and I believe in Chinese people, because they are motivated and want to change something. I could feel it through the experiences I've had this week."

Mikel – Winterthur

"The ICL team supported us optimally, did more than they had to and always made sure that we were doing well."
Integrate Chinese Life
"The ICL team supported us optimally, did more than they had to and always made sure that we were doing well."

Selina – Winterthur

"The exchange and the change from everyday life has brought me a lot in terms of social competence and communication. I found this experience simply top and would recommend it to everyone!"
Integrate Chinese Life
"The exchange and the change from everyday life has brought me a lot in terms of social competence and communication. I found this experience simply top and would recommend it to everyone!"

Hagen Worch

Senior Researcher at FFHS
"We came to China to see what was going on in this very big country, that is known for its technological development. What we experienced was overwhelming everything that we expected!"
Integrate Chinese Life
Senior Researcher at FFHS "We came to China to see what was going on in this very big country, that is known for its technological development. What we experienced was overwhelming everything that we expected!"

Rafael – Lucerne

"I've learned a lot of interesting things regarding IT, such as designing an UI (User Interface) which will be very helpful. Besides, I've also learned about communicating, managing a team and a project."
Integrate Chinese Life
"I've learned a lot of interesting things regarding IT, such as designing an UI (User Interface) which will be very helpful. Besides, I've also learned about communicating, managing a team and a project."

Noël – Zurich

"Personally, I would like to encourage everyone who is considering to take part at such a program. There are not many times in your life you will be able to take a step like this and truly experience a different culture."
Integrate Chinese Life
"Personally, I would like to encourage everyone who is considering to take part at such a program. There are not many times in your life you will be able to take a step like this and truly experience a different culture."

Sophie – Schaffhausen

"It has been a really great experience to work with different people, improve my skills, and discover a new culture."
Integrate Chinese Life
"It has been a really great experience to work with different people, improve my skills, and discover a new culture."

Volkan Demir

Technische Berufsschule Zürich
"Our three weeks in Shanghai were absolutely great. ICL helped us organize every aspect of our trip and provided students with excellent projects and local support."
Integrate Chinese Life
Technische Berufsschule Zürich "Our three weeks in Shanghai were absolutely great. ICL helped us organize every aspect of our trip and provided students with excellent projects and local support."

Jürg Haller

BerufsbildungSchule Baden
"The digital advancement in China gives students a great opportunity to see innovation at work and to learn about new technologies."
Integrate Chinese Life
BerufsbildungSchule Baden "The digital advancement in China gives students a great opportunity to see innovation at work and to learn about new technologies."

Ute Eisenkolb

Head of MSc BA Innovation Mgt. - FFHS
"Thank all of you for the great preparation. Without your competence and commitment, we certainly would not have experienced such an exciting study trip with many entrepreneurial insights."
Integrate Chinese Life
Head of MSc BA Innovation Mgt. - FFHS "Thank all of you for the great preparation. Without your competence and commitment, we certainly would not have experienced such an exciting study trip with many entrepreneurial insights."

Jana Eisenmann

Marketing Rights Delivery at FIFA
"China is so different, but I liked it and it was a great experience. The people are very nice and friendly. The cities are not as crowded as I thought, despite the population density, which surprised me!"
Integrate Chinese Life
Marketing Rights Delivery at FIFA "China is so different, but I liked it and it was a great experience. The people are very nice and friendly. The cities are not as crowded as I thought, despite the population density, which surprised me!"
Integrate Chinese Life

Warum Schulen und Universitäten ICL wählen

Unsere akademischen Partner wissen unsere Programme in China und die Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Team sehr zu schätzen, weil sie ihren Studierenden eine einzigartige Gelegenheit bieten, das Reich der Mitte zu entdecken und Berufserfahrung zu sammeln.

Unser Team hilft Ihnen bei der Gestaltung eines großartigen Arbeitsprogrammes oder einer Studienreise, indem es die Interessen und Fähigkeiten Ihrer Studierenden ermittelt. Danach wird eine auf Ihre Interessen, Ihr Budget und Ihren Zeitplan zugeschnittene Lösung erarbeitet und alle Reisevorkehrungen organisiert, um einen reibungslosen Ablauf zu gewährleisten.

"Junge Menschen werden die Samen, die Sie in ihren Köpfen vergraben, haben, und wenn sie erwachsen werden, werden sie die Welt verändern".

Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba

Seien Sie die nächste Institution, die eine China-Reise für Ihre Studierenden ermöglicht

Sie brauchen sich nur mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen und ein ICL-Berater wird sich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um Ihnen unsere Programme vorzustellen und verschiedene, auf die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Studenten zugeschnittene, Lösungen anzubieten.
