Objectifs du programme

La transformation numérique, les nouvelles technologies et les entreprises Internet sont florissantes en Chine. Pour garder une longueur d'avance, un groupe de 13 apprentis accompagnés de leur professeur a eu la chance de travailler sur un projet avec la communauté des entrepreneurs locaux.

C'était un plaisir de voir les étudiants de la Berufsbildungsschule Winterthur se réunir en équipe de professionnels indépendants et s'attaquer à la question complexe que leur posaient les experts qui encadraient leur projet.


Points forts du programme

Nos apprentis ont formé des groupes pour travailler sur des projets spécifiques avec des professionnels locaux de l'informatique, assister à des cours de langue et à des activités culturelles ainsi qu'à des visites d'entreprises et à des ateliers professionnels.

Les projets allaient de la réalité augmentée, la blockchain, la gamification, du développement web, des mini-programmes WeChat, de l'IOT à la gestion des données, offrant aux apprentis un large choix de nouvelles compétences à acquérir.

Nous avons également eu l'occasion d'être invités par le consul général adjoint et avons participé à différents événements professionnels permettant à nos apprentis d'élargir leur réseau personnel.

Financement du programme

En tant que programme innovant, les apprentis ont pu bénéficier du soutien financier d'une fondation suisse rendant cette opportunité plus accessible.

La partie restante du budget a été soit prise en charge par les entreprises formatrices, soit à la la charge des jeunes professionnels.


Ils l'ont fait

Jürg Haller

BerufsbildungSchule Baden
"The digital advancement in China gives students a great opportunity to see innovation at work and to learn about new technologies."
Integrate Chinese Life
BerufsbildungSchule Baden "The digital advancement in China gives students a great opportunity to see innovation at work and to learn about new technologies."

Noël – Zurich

"Personally, I would like to encourage everyone who is considering to take part at such a program. There are not many times in your life you will be able to take a step like this and truly experience a different culture."
Integrate Chinese Life
"Personally, I would like to encourage everyone who is considering to take part at such a program. There are not many times in your life you will be able to take a step like this and truly experience a different culture."

Tobias Fatzer

Apprentice at Credit Suisse Zurich
"We improved our skills in the programming language we're using, which is Angler, and also in organizing our tasks as a team and communicating with people from a different culture and background."
Integrate Chinese Life
Apprentice at Credit Suisse Zurich "We improved our skills in the programming language we're using, which is Angler, and also in organizing our tasks as a team and communicating with people from a different culture and background."

Mikel – Winterthur

"The ICL team supported us optimally, did more than they had to and always made sure that we were doing well."
Integrate Chinese Life
"The ICL team supported us optimally, did more than they had to and always made sure that we were doing well."

Jerome Fietz

Apprentice at Credit Suisse Zurich
"During the market research and analysis part of our project, I've learned that a product that works in the Chinese market isn't necessary successful in Switzerland, or the opposite!"
Integrate Chinese Life
Apprentice at Credit Suisse Zurich "During the market research and analysis part of our project, I've learned that a product that works in the Chinese market isn't necessary successful in Switzerland, or the opposite!"

Selina – Winterthur

"The exchange and the change from everyday life has brought me a lot in terms of social competence and communication. I found this experience simply top and would recommend it to everyone!"
Integrate Chinese Life
"The exchange and the change from everyday life has brought me a lot in terms of social competence and communication. I found this experience simply top and would recommend it to everyone!"

Volkan Demir

Technische Berufsschule Zürich
"Our three weeks in Shanghai were absolutely great. ICL helped us organize every aspect of our trip and provided students with excellent projects and local support."
Integrate Chinese Life
Technische Berufsschule Zürich "Our three weeks in Shanghai were absolutely great. ICL helped us organize every aspect of our trip and provided students with excellent projects and local support."

Sophie – Schaffhausen

"It has been a really great experience to work with different people, improve my skills, and discover a new culture."
Integrate Chinese Life
"It has been a really great experience to work with different people, improve my skills, and discover a new culture."

Rafael – Lucerne

"I've learned a lot of interesting things regarding IT, such as designing an UI (User Interface) which will be very helpful. Besides, I've also learned about communicating, managing a team and a project."
Integrate Chinese Life
"I've learned a lot of interesting things regarding IT, such as designing an UI (User Interface) which will be very helpful. Besides, I've also learned about communicating, managing a team and a project."
Integrate Chinese Life

Organisez dès aujourd'hui votre propre programme en Chine pour vos élèves