Objectifs du programme

Très peu de possibilités de mobilité internationale sont offertes aux apprentis suisses, mais la République et Canton de Neuchâtel a décidé de créer son propre programme de stages à Shanghai avec l'équipe ICL.

Trois à six apprentis sont choisis chaque année pour participer à un stage de six mois à plein temps dans une entreprise suisse basée en Chine. Cette expérience pratique, ajoutée à leur CV, ainsi que la maturité et l'adaptabilité acquises pendant leur séjour en Chine, préparent ces jeunes talents à s'engager dans leur prochain défi professionnel une fois de retour au pays.

Depuis 2015, plus de quinze apprentis de la République et Canton de Neuchâtel ont vécu cette expérience et les entreprises d'accueil ainsi que nos partenaires locaux reconnaissent les bénéfices de tels programmes sur la jeune communauté suisse.

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Points forts du programme

Chaque semestre, les apprentis de Neuchâtel sont sélectionnés à l'issue d'un processus de sélection effectué par la République et le Canton de Neuchâtel.

Une fois les candidats sélectionnés, l'équipe d'ICL les aide à obtenir leur visa, à trouver un stage et à organiser tous les aspects pratiques de leur séjour. Les étudiants sont accueillis à l'aéroport et bénéficient d'un soutien 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 pendant leur séjour.

Les apprentis des domaines de formation commerciale et technique sont invités à postuler pour ce programme afin d'effectuer un stage dans leur domaine d'études au sein d'une entreprise basée à Shanghai.

Ils l'ont fait


"The internship gives me a certain stability which I need, the various activities organized disrupt my daily life, and the regular exchanges I have with the members of the ICL Cup allow me to discover many personalities."
Integrate Chinese Life
"The internship gives me a certain stability which I need, the various activities organized disrupt my daily life, and the regular exchanges I have with the members of the ICL Cup allow me to discover many personalities."

Clelia – Switzerland

"I had a short but great experience in Shanghai. I was surprised of how easily you could meet people in the same situation, I would highly recommend this amazing and fun experience. The team is also very helpful and fast to respond in case of need."
Integrate Chinese Life
"I had a short but great experience in Shanghai. I was surprised of how easily you could meet people in the same situation, I would highly recommend this amazing and fun experience. The team is also very helpful and fast to respond in case of need."

Géraldine – Belgium

"I didn’t imagine it would be so easy and fun to intern in Shanghai. I heard about ICL from a friend and contacted them because I was intrigued and before I knew it I had been hired as an intern in a great company, had my visa and I was all set to go."
Integrate Chinese Life
"I didn’t imagine it would be so easy and fun to intern in Shanghai. I heard about ICL from a friend and contacted them because I was intrigued and before I knew it I had been hired as an intern in a great company, had my visa and I was all set to go."

Louis-Clement – France

"After graduating from McGill University in Montreal, I thought about moving to China. However I did not know how to go about it in terms of visa, finding an apartment, opening a bank account or finding the right cell phone provider."
Integrate Chinese Life
"After graduating from McGill University in Montreal, I thought about moving to China. However I did not know how to go about it in terms of visa, finding an apartment, opening a bank account or finding the right cell phone provider."


"This internship has clearly changed my career and without China I would never have had this opportunity. I am more than fulfilled in my new job, a big thank you to ICL and the whole team who made this happen! "
Integrate Chinese Life
"This internship has clearly changed my career and without China I would never have had this opportunity. I am more than fulfilled in my new job, a big thank you to ICL and the whole team who made this happen! "
Integrate Chinese Life


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