Objectifs du programme

Le chinois est parlé par un cinquième de la population mondiale. Consciente de ce défi et de cette opportunité, la République et Canton de Neuchâtel propose des cours de chinois dans ses différentes écoles secondaires.

Pour donner encore plus de poids à cet effort, le canton a soutenu des jeunes lycéens sélectionnés pour venir vivre une expérience immersive pendant six semaines dans une famille chinoise locale avec des cours de chinois quotidiens, un voyage à Pékin et de nombreuses activités culturelles.

Depuis 2015, plus de quinze étudiants âgés de 16 à 21 ans ont eu la chance de découvrir la Chine et le quotidien d'une famille locale.

watertown 1

Points forts du programme

Bien que chaque étudiant assiste à quatre heures de cours quotidiens ensemble et à de nombreuses activités culturelles, chacun d'entre eux reste dans une famille locale différente pour vivre pleinement le mode de vie chinois.

Les principaux résultats que nous avons observés, au-delà de l'amélioration de leurs compétences en chinois mandarin, ont été un gain significatif de maturité et de conscience globale pour nos étudiants.

Grâce au généreux soutien et aux efforts de la République et du Canton de Neuchâtel, les lycéens ont la chance de venir découvrir la Chine comme jamais auparavant.

Financement du programme

La République et Canton de Neuchâtel finance généreusement ce programme estival de 6 semaines, y compris la sélection de la famille d'accueil, la carte de transport local et la carte sim, la demande de visa, les cours de langue, les activités culturelles, les activités professionnelles et le soutien local 24h/24 et 7j/7.

Les étudiants n'ont eu à couvrir qu'une petite partie des frais, ce qui en fait une opportunité enrichissante à un coût très bas.


Ils l'ont fait!

Clelia – Switzerland

"I had a short but great experience in Shanghai. I was surprised of how easily you could meet people in the same situation, I would highly recommend this amazing and fun experience. The team is also very helpful and fast to respond in case of need."
Integrate Chinese Life
"I had a short but great experience in Shanghai. I was surprised of how easily you could meet people in the same situation, I would highly recommend this amazing and fun experience. The team is also very helpful and fast to respond in case of need."

Géraldine – Belgium

"I didn’t imagine it would be so easy and fun to intern in Shanghai. I heard about ICL from a friend and contacted them because I was intrigued and before I knew it I had been hired as an intern in a great company, had my visa and I was all set to go."
Integrate Chinese Life
"I didn’t imagine it would be so easy and fun to intern in Shanghai. I heard about ICL from a friend and contacted them because I was intrigued and before I knew it I had been hired as an intern in a great company, had my visa and I was all set to go."


"The internship gives me a certain stability which I need, the various activities organized disrupt my daily life, and the regular exchanges I have with the members of the ICL Cup allow me to discover many personalities."
Integrate Chinese Life
"The internship gives me a certain stability which I need, the various activities organized disrupt my daily life, and the regular exchanges I have with the members of the ICL Cup allow me to discover many personalities."


"This internship has clearly changed my career and without China I would never have had this opportunity. I am more than fulfilled in my new job, a big thank you to ICL and the whole team who made this happen! "
Integrate Chinese Life
"This internship has clearly changed my career and without China I would never have had this opportunity. I am more than fulfilled in my new job, a big thank you to ICL and the whole team who made this happen! "

Louis-Clement – France

"After graduating from McGill University in Montreal, I thought about moving to China. However I did not know how to go about it in terms of visa, finding an apartment, opening a bank account or finding the right cell phone provider."
Integrate Chinese Life
"After graduating from McGill University in Montreal, I thought about moving to China. However I did not know how to go about it in terms of visa, finding an apartment, opening a bank account or finding the right cell phone provider."
Integrate Chinese Life

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