"Venir en Chine aujourd'hui est un choix que vous ne regretterez pas. Découvrir une nouvelle culture, rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et avoir un aperçu de la future plus grande économie du monde ne sont que quelques-unes des choses qui feront que votre séjour en Chine changera votre vie". Patrick Devereux, Directeur des programmes

Programme de Stage

Programme de Langue

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En 2015, nous avons créé une plateforme destinée à aider les étudiants et les jeunes professionnels à réaliser leurs ambitions en Chine. Cette plateforme s'appelle InternshipsChina et est gérée à 100% par le groupe ICL. Nous proposons deux principaux types de programmes de base : Stages en Chine et Apprendre le mandarin en Chine. Les deux programmes ont des dates de début flexibles et peuvent être personnalisés à volonté !


Rencontrez nos anciens étudiants et stagiaires

Géraldine – Belgium

"I didn’t imagine it would be so easy and fun to intern in Shanghai. I heard about ICL from a friend and contacted them because I was intrigued and before I knew it I had been hired as an intern in a great company, had my visa and I was all set to go."
Integrate Chinese Life
"I didn’t imagine it would be so easy and fun to intern in Shanghai. I heard about ICL from a friend and contacted them because I was intrigued and before I knew it I had been hired as an intern in a great company, had my visa and I was all set to go."

Clelia – Switzerland

"I had a short but great experience in Shanghai. I was surprised of how easily you could meet people in the same situation, I would highly recommend this amazing and fun experience. The team is also very helpful and fast to respond in case of need."
Integrate Chinese Life
"I had a short but great experience in Shanghai. I was surprised of how easily you could meet people in the same situation, I would highly recommend this amazing and fun experience. The team is also very helpful and fast to respond in case of need."

Louis-Clement – France

"After graduating from McGill University in Montreal, I thought about moving to China. However I did not know how to go about it in terms of visa, finding an apartment, opening a bank account or finding the right cell phone provider."
Integrate Chinese Life
"After graduating from McGill University in Montreal, I thought about moving to China. However I did not know how to go about it in terms of visa, finding an apartment, opening a bank account or finding the right cell phone provider."


"This internship has clearly changed my career and without China I would never have had this opportunity. I am more than fulfilled in my new job, a big thank you to ICL and the whole team who made this happen! "
Integrate Chinese Life
"This internship has clearly changed my career and without China I would never have had this opportunity. I am more than fulfilled in my new job, a big thank you to ICL and the whole team who made this happen! "


"The internship gives me a certain stability which I need, the various activities organized disrupt my daily life, and the regular exchanges I have with the members of the ICL Cup allow me to discover many personalities."
Integrate Chinese Life
"The internship gives me a certain stability which I need, the various activities organized disrupt my daily life, and the regular exchanges I have with the members of the ICL Cup allow me to discover many personalities."
Integrate Chinese Life

Si vous êtes un étudiant ou un jeune diplômé ayant l'ambition de découvrir la Chine, vous êtes au bon endroit. Nous avons commencé notre aventure chinoise juste après avoir terminé le lycée. Nous comprenons donc exactement les difficultés que vous pourriez rencontrer et nous avons conçu un service sur mesure qui peut vous aider à gagner du temps et à éviter les ennuis.

Il vous suffit de nous contacter et nous vous aiderons à obtenir un visa, à trouver la bonne école ou une bonne entreprise d'accueil pour votre stage, à trouver un appartement et à organiser chaque aspect de votre voyage. Nos programmes vous permettront également de rencontrer de nombreuses personnes partageant les mêmes intérêts et de ne jamais vous sentir seul.


Demandez une consultation gratuite avec un conseiller ICL

Il vous suffit de prendre contact avec nous et un conseiller ICL dédié vous contactera pour évaluer votre projet, vous donner quelques conseils et vous proposer différentes solutions pour réaliser vos ambitions.
