Program Objectives
In order to allow students from any Swiss university to complement their studies with a real world working experience, the Leading House Asia from ETH Zurich has opened a scholarship program helping students find an internship, finance their housing, and language lessons, as well as benefit from on site support from the ICL Team.
12 Students from all over Switzerland have joined this program so far and have been able to discover the working environment in Shanghai along with the dynamics in the biggest city in China.

Program Highlights
Each selected student has received a grant from the Leading house Asia to attend a 4-6 month internship in a local company in Shanghai.
Each student benefited from an individual internship placement based on their academic background, a room in shared apartment, bi-weekly Mandarin Chinese language lessons, cultural activities, and was invited to several networking events, both social and young professional.
By spending some time abroad and gaining some professional experience our students have grown more mature and and ready for the job market.
They've done it