Program Objectives
Chinese is spoken by one fifth of the worldwide population. Conscious of this challenge and of this opportunity, the Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel has been offering Chinese language lessons in its different high schools.
To give even more weight to this effort, the canton has been supporting selected young high-schoolers to come live an immersive experience for six weeks in a local Chinese family with daily Chinese lessons, a trip to Beijing, and many cultural activities.
Since 2015, over fifteen students between the age of 16-21 have had the chance to learn more about China and discover the fascinating daily lives of the local community.

Program Highlights
Although each student attends four hours of daily lessons together and many cultural activities, each of them stays with a different local family to fully experience the Chinese way of life.
The main results we have observed, beyond improving their mandarin Chinese language skills, has been a significant gain in maturity and in global awareness for our students.
Thanks to the generous support and efforts of the Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel, high school students have a chance to come discover China like never before.
Program Financing
The Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel is generously supporting students for this 6- week summer program, including host family screening, local transportation card & sim card, visa application, language lessons, cultural activities, professional activities, and 24/7 local support.
The students only have to cover a small portion of the cost, making this an amazing opportunity at a very low cost.