Program Objectives
Very few opportunities for international mobility are offered to Swiss apprentices, but the Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel has stepped up to create its very own internship program in Shanghai with the ICL Team.
Three to six apprentices are chosen every year to take part in a six month full-time internship in a Swiss company based in China. This practical experience added to their CV along with the maturity and adaptability gained while living in China prepares these young talents to engage in their next professional challenge once they come home.
Since 2015, over fifteen apprentices from the Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel have lived this experience and both host companies and our local partners recognize the benefits of such programs on the Swiss young community.

Program Highlights
Each semester, apprentices from the Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel are selected following a competitive selection process handled by the Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel.
Once the candidates are chosen, the ICL team helps them obtain their visa, find an internship, and organize every practical aspect of their stay. Students are welcomed at the airport and they receive 24/7 support during their stay.
Apprentices from both the commercial and technical training fields are welcome to apply for this program to complete an internship in their field of study with a local company.
They've done it